An independent specialist setting
for students with autism and anxiety
01905 349915

Working together

All of our staff are committed to working closely with families to make sure that each student’s experience at Lokrum Fields is the best it can be. Families are key to transition planning, providing insights into each student’s interests, strengths, triggers, aspirations, communication needs and successful strategies for support.  We invite and respect parental insights and draw on the information they have gathered about their child’s particular needs.

We have a culture of mutual respect and recognise that in order for our students to succeed they need adults to speak about them, their families and each other in positive terms.

Teaching staff communicate with families at regularly to celebrate progress, share any concerns and ensure everyone is aware of changes to routine and plan for any future challenges.

We arrange meetings at least termly, alongside annual EHCP reviews, to support the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle of students’ progress and support, with full involvement of parents, students and other stakeholders. We use our Individualised Ambition Pathways to record the barriers to each student’s learning, which strategies are being used to mitigate those barriers, the resources required and the progress made towards the outcomes recorded in the student’s EHCP.

We will provide free workshops for families to help them to support their child. They will cover areas such as behaviour, anxiety, communication and assertiveness. If you would like a workshop on a particular theme or subject, please let us know.

The curriculum will be planned to involve families and support access to the wider community. We will also arrange regular social events to celebrate success, make family activities accessible, provide peer support and facilitate stability and aspiration in family life.

Our Early Help Offer sets out how we work together with students and their families to find effective solutions before problems escalate.